To support infant feeding by implementing the Tiny Bites program over the next 18 months
- Your service does not have a breastfeeding policy, procedure, or guideline.
- Your service does not have a nutrition policy, procedure, or guideline that addresses infant nutrition.
What can we do to meet these infant feeding practices?
For some suggested steps and resources to extend your practice, create an action plan below.
- Signage is not displayed which indicates your service provides a supportive breastfeeding environment.
- Families of infants (0-12 months) are not provided with information regarding how your service supports breastfeeding and infant feeding as part of orientation packs.
- Your service's website does not include information on how your service supports breastfeeding and infant nutrition.
- Families are not provided with regular updates on all recommended child feeding behaviours.
What can we do to meet these infant feeding practices?
For some suggested steps and resources to extend your practice, create an action plan below.
- Educators do not use the recommended infant feeding practices when feeding infants (up to 12 months).
- Educators do not use the recommended feeding practices during mealtimes with all children.
What can we do to meet these infant feeding practices?
For some suggested steps and resources to extend your practice, create an action plan below.
- Educators in the baby room do not engage children in age-appropriate healthy eating learning experiences during play.
- Educators in the baby room do not use mealtimes as an opportunity to discuss food such as the shape, taste and type of food.
What can we do to meet these infant feeding practices?
For some suggested steps and resources to extend your practice, create an action plan below.
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